**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 63 - July 22, 2005

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--> Amazing Miracles of the Bible

1) Spare Rod Debate...comment from Sarah Keith
2) VBS for Jesus crafts
3) Toothpick Cross
4) Part of God's Church
5) Bible Memorization Techniques
6) Part of God's Church

--> Last Minute Ideas!

7) Christian S'more Story?
8) Armor of God Songs
9) Harsh Discipline
10) Toothpick Cross

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

--> Amazing Miracles of the Bible

God’s glory and love are revealed through the miracles he performed and
were fully realized when he came to earth in the form of a man to save
mankind. By studying the miracles of the Bible children will gain a better
understanding of God’s love and faithfulness and how he continues to be
loving and faithful in miraculous ways to his people today. Great for
rotation-type programs!

In the Curriculum Creatives section:

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1) Spare Rod Debate...comment from Sarah Keith

In the last SSTN I stated that I rarely censor postings sent into SSTN.
Unfortunately this debate is turning into one of those occasions. 

A few weeks ago two issues arose at the same time regarding discipline, a
comment stating that "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is NOT in the
Bible (those EXACT words are NOT in the Bible) AND another posting
regarding a teacher hitting children with a racquet ball in class for

Improving our teaching skills by sharing our OWN ideas and questions with
one another is the sole, or "soul" ;o), purpose of SSTN. Therefore, the
disagreement over the topic of child-rearing our OWN children I do not
think will help us to become better teachers and will only serve to
alienate the spankers vs. the non-spankers.

However, the plea for help from a teacher observing another teacher
hitting a child in class is something that needed to be addressed and
stopped. Hopefully the advice given to the concerned teacher via SSTN
helped her tend to this situation in a Christlike manner.

Please let me remind everyone that SSTN is made up of over 10,000
Christian educators from around the world. We are not the same in thought
or denomination, but we ARE part of the body of Christ. We CAN learn from
one another. Even if that learning means we do not always agree with one

SSTN has been a labor of love for me since January 2000. I am continually
blessed and inspired by everyone's ideas and comments and hope you find it
to be a blessing as well. Please know that it is with much thought and
prayer when I withhold a posting. I never want to stop the free-flow of
ideas, but I also need to make sure that we do not purposely excoriate
anyone for their opinions.

Please pray that God will continue to provide me with wisdom, fresh ideas
and the resources to continue providing this service. I look forward to
your input as we grow in Christ, together!

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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2) VBS for Jesus crafts

I did a craft for my Sunday School on the baptism of Jesus.  I took a
picture of Jesus being baptized and coming out of the water.  I cut out
Jesus--traced Him then took a paper plate and cut a slit through plate. 
Had the kids to color plate blue.  Then put "Jesus" through slit and taped
bottom of Jesus on underside of plate.  Then glue or taped a dove on His
shoulder.  paper plate can be glued on green construction paper for grass
and can be decorated with other people, animals, kids, flower or
whatever.  For His growth--childhood, I had kids to draw hands on paper
and write "and I can grow like Jesus" and decorate with stickers.  Another
one is where we make a little building out of popsicle sticks and made a
house and carpenter shop with tools or can be made from shoe box or just
drawn  on paper or even glue popsicle sticks to make simple building on
paper and decorate with people and tools and stickers like flowers trees,
sandpaper wood shavings and whatever.  Also for an ongoing project for the
week is too make a book of His life--this is good for attendance or make I
am special book by doing name and likes and family and pictures and
such.   I wish you luck on this.  This is our topic too.  Nancy

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3) Toothpick Cross

Jan - this is also called a match cross (made with matchsticks). Here are
3 web sites (2 with instructions, one with a drawing) to help you:


La Marque, TX

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4) Part of God's Church

You could make a large blank cut out in the shape of a
church on cardboard, then cut it into pieces like a
puzzle. Give each child a piece of the puzzle and have
them draw a picture of themselves on the piece.  When
you put it back together you have a church. You could
have them paste a photo on it. If you don't tell them
what the object will be when they finish it can be a
surprise to see the church.  You can make however many
pieces you will need to fit your class size.
Hope you can use this.

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5) Bible Memorization Techniques
One way my kids have really liked is one I learned from a dear brother -
Maurice Sweetsur - a regular contributor to the SSTN.
At his suggestion - I print out the scripture from the computer with a
large font - filling the whole sheet. Then I print it in a smaller font -
about half the size of the first one. I cut the paper to fit the writing.
I continue printing the scripture smaller and smaller cutting the paper to
be just a bit bigger than the words. Usually this continues so that the
5th or 6th diminished size is that of an index card. Then 3 or 4
more smaller sizes and the font is about a 6 point size. The the last
small paper they are shown has nothing on it and is about the size of a
sugar packet.
I start out asking them if they think their eyesight is pretty good and
tell them we will check it out and see for ourselves. Each time we repeat
the verse from reading it off of diminishing sized paper (maybe 10 or 12
total). I praise their abilities and tell them how God has truly blessed
them with amazingly good eyesight!
By the 6th or 7th reading - they have the verse about memorized - so by
the time they work their way down to the blank sheet - their eyes are
seeing what isn't even there! We really have a good time with this game.
This is one of the memorization games that they actually request to do
over and over. They love proving what AMAZING eyesight they have!
Blessings to you Mr. Sweetsur! It was a great tip!
Joyfully Serving HIM,
Emmalea Butler
Trafalgar, IN

--from SSTN: you can find more of Maurice's memory ideas in the Sermons &
Lessons section at: http://www.ChristianCrafters.Com 

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6) Part of God's Church

This may be too old for your kids.  When I taught about the church, I had
different people who served in the church come in and explain to the
children what they did.  Example--elder's job, accountant, etc.  We had an
ongoing work on our building and I had one of the men explain how they did
some of the carpentry.  I also made a diagram of our building, naming each
room and letting the kids know what went on in each one.  They were
acquainted with restrooms, classrooms, the fellowship hall and recreation
building but we learned about the library, kitchen, pastor's study, etc.
I had the women who plan social meetings such as baby showers, speak to
tthe children. We discussed all the various ministries of the church
including all the missionaries we support. Most importantly, I stressed
the spiritual side, making sure they understood that only believers in
Christ are part of God's church and gave them the plan of salvation.
Helen Setser

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--> Last Minute Ideas!

Give our "Easy Make N' Take Projects" a try.

Learn more at: 

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7) Christian S'more Story?

I have to come up with a Christian themed campfire story to explain or to
be used with making S'mores!  Does anyone know of anything like this?  I
am looking for something along the lines of the candy cane story that
tells about the shape and what the stripe colors mean.  I know I will
probably have to make something up to tell as a story to go with it, but I
just wanted to check if there was a really good one out there somewhere
that I am just missing in my search on the Internet.  Thank you in advance
for any help you can offer!
Peace in Christ,
T-burg UMC

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8) Armor of God songs

I put together a scavenger hunt for the Armor of God.  I used much of the
information from sstn and included many other resources. We used the Sword
of the Spirit book mark that is available through the website - easy to do
and a hit! 

We used songs such as (Remember we are building our Army)
The wise man built his house upon a rock. .. (we started in Matt. 7-24)
We then went to Eph. 6:1 (obey your parents in the Lord) and I found an
Obey Song:

Sing:  Obey Song - Sung to the tune of "Father Abraham"

I am going to, going to obey
Even though I don't want to.
Jesus tells me to so this I'll do,
So let's just all obey,
Right arm.

Go through the first part with each command in the song -
left arm
right leg
left leg
nod your head
jump up and down
turn around

As we moved through to the Shield of Faith:  We sang "My God is Big"
As we moved to Helmet of Salvation we sang: The devil is a Sly Old Fox
Sword of the Spirit -gave the bookmark and had them sing:  The
I would be glad to share any of the material that I have.

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9) Harsh Discipline

In reading the concern from Jackie regarding the Sunday school teaching
throwing the racquet ball at children who he feels are not behaving --
this is not the way anyone should ever be treated and he is humiliating
this child or children with this action.  This needs to be addressed
immediately and this individual should be removed from teaching.  I have
found that if I just gently place my hand on a child's shoulder and
continue with the lesson without stopping and saying anything that the
child picks up on it immediately and all is fine. 
It is so important to realize that we don't know what is going on in a
child's life when they walk through our door each week and that hour with
us could be crucial to displays God's love regardless of how our day may
be going.

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10) Toothpick Cross

I don't know about a toothpick cross, but there is a burnt match cross on
DLTK, if I remember correctly, the directions for a toothpick cross are
extremely similiar. Maybe you could use those instructions as a guide?
Hope this helps!
Sarah in California

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Only one dollar a month helps to provide the Christian educational
resources in the website and newsletter. For more info, go to this


Or, mail your US check or US money order to:

Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

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