guidelines are found at the bottom of this newsletter. <<

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SSTN # 84 - July 29, 2003

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--> Fruit of the Spirit - Bingo

1) Christian etiquette   
2) Angel Breakfast?
3) Humbly Grateful or Grumbly Hateful Song   
4) Congolese Hymn "Yesu Azali Awa"
5) Under the sea craft   

--> Praise-Amations!

6) Under the Sea craft
7) What is VBS?
8) Spanking In Georgia   
9) Paid children staff    
10) Thankful

--> "His Name Shall Be Called..."

11) Camel costume
12) Increased Sunday School offerings   
13) Spanking
14) Recruitment with a Church in Turmoil? Help!   
15) Increase offering

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

--> Fruit of the Spirit - Bingo Game

A fun way for players to learn the Fruit of the Spirit characteristics.
Players score using real fruit candy! FREE SHIPPING!
Learn more here:

(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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1) Christian etiquette   

I know the concerns you described about the way teen girls dress now, not
to mention other breeches of good manners these days.

At our church, myself and one other lady are organizing an "etiquette"
class for the teenage girls.  We are looking over books to use, Princess
Lessons looks good, it's based on the movie, "The Princess Diaries".  We
plan to kick it off with the movie, "The Princess Diaries" if they have
not seen it, and then the movie, "To Sir With Love", which portrays an
inner city London teacher trying to "teach" the girls how to behave like
ladies, and REQUIRING the guys to treat them as such.

Then we are going to try and do something about the GUYS!

N. Georgia

--from SSTN: "Princess Lessons" may be found in our Bookstore. Just type
the title into the search box:

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2) Angel Breakfast?

To Reesee M. from Virginia Beach:

Could you please tell me what you do for your Angel Breakfast at
I have been searching for something to do at this blessed time of year for
children.  Thank You :)
Darlene B
Taylor, Mi
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3) Humbly Grateful or Grumbly Hateful Song   

Thank you to those who suggested this song for our
VBS.  I have received the cassettes today and our VBS
starts next week ... the song is PERFECT!!! 

I am so glad that I posted and thankful for the great

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4) Congolese Hymn "Yesu Azali Awa"

In response to needing African ideas, singing trio Selah has a song "Yesu
Azali Awa" on their CD _Press On_ that kids just love.  It is a Congolese
hymn.  Even though it is mostly repititious, all but the chorus might be
difficult to teach to a group of kids, but perhaps you could use it as
background music for an activity.  It would have to be a lively physical
activity, since the song is certainly lively and full of Congo drums.
Part of the translation is "Jesus is here with us, Alleluia to the Lord."
You can find Selah _Press On_ in any Christian bookstore.  God Bless!
Diane, Kirksville, Missouri

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5) Under the sea craft   

This is in response to an Under the Sea craft that will take an hour to
do. The only thing I can think of right off hand that takes that long is
paper mache (which does not work well with the younger children), so
depending on the ages in your VBS, you will have to decide if it is right
for you. There are allot of Under The Sea type paper mache projects, the
easiest of which is to blow up a large round balloon, and attach to
cardboard slightly curved triangles (one to the top and one to the
underside) to serve as fins. Cover the entire thing in newspaper dipped in
paper mache paste, and keep adding layers until it is completely covered
for a fish. If you want to be able to paint it right away to make a
colored fish, add a layer of newsprint to the top of the strips of
newspaper, and paint directly on the newsprint, additionally you can add a
curved "V" type of shape to make a tale, an upside down heart for lips,
and so on and so forth. You can also make the top layer using tissue paper
for a multi-colored or single colored neon, iridescant type, sparkly
looking fish. If you would prefer to use a dolphin, visit:
http://www.dltk-kids.com/animals/mdolphin.html as they have a good one,
with easy to follow instructions. Whether you choose paper mache, or
something else, good luck with holding the children's attention for an
hour...I know from experience that can be a hard thing to do whether it's
with a craft, a game, a story, or anything for that matter. Hopefully you
are working with slightly older children.
Hope this helps, love in Christ, Sarah in California

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--> Praise-Amations!

Children are excited to see their cartoon "mini-movies" come to life.
27 Reproducible patterns to make and do with your entire class!

In the Curriculum Creatives section: 


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6) Under the Sea craft

> Our church is having a VBS week with "under the sea"
> as the theme.  I will be doing craft night.

Group Publishing just had S.C.U.B.A. as their theme this year.  There are
tons of craft ideas on their message

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7) What is VBS?

Thank you for sending me every time the e-mail. I have read them and
enjoyed them every thime It`s only a pitty that most idears are for older
I teach children from 3 to 6 years old But it doesnt matter there are some
great idears which i can use sometimes.
But i have a question, sometimes i read about VBS evening or weekend .
My question is what is this, I dont understand.
Maybe because I am from Holland So i dont understand some words.
Can you please explain what it means.

Thanks and God bless you.
Ellen Familehin- Stuiver
--from SSTN: Hi Ellen, V.B.S. stands for Vacation Bible School. A VBS
program typically runs for 5 days. However, many churches will run a one
day or a three day program and may even run it during evening hours. VBS
is a fun-filled time of learning Gospel truths using crafts, games, songs,
and various fun activities. VBS is a great way to encourage unchurched
children in your community to come to church and to learn about Jesus.  It
is also a time for churched children to be strengthened in their faith.
Many Christan publishing companies offer packaged programs to make VBS
easy to implement. Thanks for asking! Your sister in Jesus, Sarah Keith <><

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8) Spanking In Georgia   

This is to Shirley in Georgia:
I applaud you for standing on the Word of God on spanking.  I know that it
took courage on your part to approach the parents with this issue, and I
applaud the parents for giving you permission.

I find it shameful that Christians do not stand on the Word concerning use
of the "rod".  We have allowed too many worldly issues into our churches.
We need to comprehend that if we don't use the "rod" on our children now,
then the cops, the jail guards or prison guards will!!  God forbid, but
the child's cell mate will get to them first!  Trust me, no one is
consulting the parents about abuse.  I know my spankings, and my mother's
prayers kept me out of jail and prison.

I am a Junior Sunday School teacher.  My rule is that disruptive students
have to sit with their parents, until their parents get them under
control.  I am a bit disciplinary and gentle, and yes they do love me.  I
believe if I was a push over, then it would be a problem.  Children do
like structure whether they admit it or not.  Who likes to go do an
unfamiliar road without a map?!  Keep the good work up

Jennifer Monk

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9) Paid children staff    

I am amazed by some of the things people are saying in regard to the
children. Yes, it is amorous work, and no you cant do it on your own.  I
am the director of a small church.  I have about 46 children from the ages
3-13.  I woke up the other morning with a greet desire to be with the
children. I have no clue how someone would want to walk about from this
position. ( I have had the positions for just over a year) The children
are so free and open and trusting its amazing.  I think God that if I am
in need of money all I have to do is ask. I thanks God they have the
wisdom to incorporate SS in to their yearly buget.But when did Jesus say
bring the children unto me and bring the check book. Where is your heart?
God doesn't give visions without provisions. We as teaches of Gods word
how something so  special in our hands. We just maybe the only Jesus
theses children will ever see.  I don't think most realize the damage and
heartache it really causes a child to have a teacher leave them. What does
that show them about the same faith we are supposed to be instilling them?
God can provide for all but the Sunday School Teacher?  Praise God! If
your church is able to pay their staff.  If not Praise God and so as he
has commissioned.

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10) Thankful

Hi, Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm very thankful for all the
items and suggestions regarding our VBS with The Great Kingdom Caper. I
have used lots of the ideas, and as our VBS doesn't start until July 27, I
would appreciate all your prayers.Thanks again, Brenda

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--> "His Name Shall Be Called..."

The God of the Old and New Testament is known by many names. These names
help us to understand his nature and reputation. They define him as
Protector, Defender, Friend, Advisor, Judge, and Savior to name just a
few. The Third Commandment says, "Do Not Misuse God’s Name". "His Name
Shall Be Called..." contains fun crafts, games, and lessons to teach
respect and honor for God to the children in your ministry. Free USA

To learn more, go to this page:
(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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11) Camel costume

There are instructions with Standards VBS materials to make a camel and an

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12) Increased Sunday School offerings   

RE:  Our church is looking for ways to increase our Sunday School

Try setting a goal for your Sunday School offerings.  I tried this last
year with my 3rd/4th grade class.  Though we weren't 100% successful in
reaching our goals, it was a good start and a good example of stewardship
to the church.  At the very least, it made the kids aware of giving and
why we give to the church.
At the beginning of the year I made up a chart called "Our Giving Goal".
I listed each month of the Sunday School year across the top (Sep. thru
May for us), and down the side was the number of each Sunday (1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 5th), and a TOTAL row.  The bottom row was labeled GOAL.  We
discussed as a class what our monthly giving goal should be.  What could
each child give?  A quarter?  A dollar?  The beginning of each month, we
would write the total goal in the GOAL box of the monthly column.  Each
Sunday, the students would write in the appropriate square on the chart
how much they gave for their offering that day.  It was totally anonymous
- no names were written by the amounts.  At the end of each month we
totaled up our givings to see if it met our goal.  If it did not meet the
goal, we set the same goal for the next month.  If it did meet the goal,
we tried to set our goals higher for the next month.
I periodically discussed our giving goal with the class.  Some kids
strived to meet and exceed the goal, and some never brought a dime the
whole year.  I believe I sent home a newsletter at the beginning of the
year explaining it to the parents as well, for their information.  We
discussed setting money aside at the beginning of the week to give as our
offering for Sunday School, whether it was money earned or received by
some other means, or even asking the parents to provide the offering.  It
is a habit, I believe, that needs to start young, or else the kids may not
continue the habit of giving to the church when they are older.
Hope this at least sparks an idea for you. 

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13) Spanking

I am the ss teacher who related the experience I had with one student and
spanking.  To summerize, I conferenced with the parents and we agreed that

Shirley -
I don't like to spank, but like you say, sometimes it IS necessary.  I
work in public school as well as church school.  I've seen MANY cases of
disruptive and rebellious children make classes unbearable.  Once these
children are disciplined with love (whether it be spanking or another
method) there is such a difference in them.  They actually seek out the
disciplinarian for extra hugs and praise.  Often they just need to know
that someone is going to insist that they stay within certain boundaries,
and everyone needs to know how far to go - children and adults.


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14) Recruitment with a Church in Turmoil? Help!   

Our church is undergoing a dramatic and painful process of change, and we
are losing members every month.  We are currently at about 300 people with
forty children (Nursery-5th).  Staffing in nursery and preschool rooms is
covered, but Childrens' Church has historically been a problem, with
several Sunday School teachers completely unqualified.  I began this year
as Coordinator and instituted a quarterly printed schedule and curriculum
distribution,a child check-in policy, background checks and even
two-person staffing.  The program had already declined to the point that a
fifteen year-old was the only assistant and substitute to the previous
director who worked week-to-week.  The pastor asked me to take over
because he was "sick of getting complaints every week from one parent or
another," and the elders have been since shocked at the candid progress
reports I have made.  One even apologized for not being more aware and
supportive, and two have mentioned the likelihood that the church will
shut down.  Our leadership is in shambles as the pastor faces a crisis in
his immediate family, women's ministries is a retirement social club, the
budget is in the red, and the past coordinator has been hostile to my
leadership (because snacktime is no longer allowed to substitute for

My question is this:  How do I staff a Children's Church for gr.1-5 and a
second hour Sunday School (currently parents rotating in once/month for a
game and craft that reinforce first hour lesson) when the only
willing/qualified people are already overcommitted/burned out?  I have
held training sessions quarterly (ala Judy Wortley's model), but
attendance is grudgingly given and by those with the least need.
Mentoring partnerships have been less than successful because of
factionalism and lack of teacher preparation.  Is a "warm body to babysit"
all I can expect?

Has anyone else survived this type of situation?  Like a prophet, I
started speaking to the previous pastor and the previous elder board (half
of whom have left the church) as long as six years ago (when my children
left the nursery and my husband and I began teaching) and threw myself
into trying to improve the situation.  I will be reporting the situation
to the elder board next week, but I would appreciate any advice from  some
experienced veterans.

Confused, Exhausted and Demoralized,
Volunteer Coordinator

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15) Increase offering   

I don't know how you all take up your offering, but we just had VBS last
week and we received over 1200 in 5 days from 170 kids ages 3 - 11.  The
way we accomplished this is to make it a challenge.  The kids bring in
pennies (yes this was 1200.00 in pennies mostly) and we have two five
gallon buckets hanging from a T stand.  One of our men holds it level,
they play some music and here the kids come, boys against girls and they
love it.  They are all trying to do their best for the Lord.  They get no
prize, just knowing that the boys gave the most to the Lord or the girls
gave the most to the Lord was reward enough.  And they had a goal and knew
where the money was going and that made a difference to them.  That
wouldn't really work in Sunday school, but if you took up offering during
children's church it would.  Our kids really have great spirits about it.

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438 East Ilex Drive
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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