Monster Mouths

Fall Festival Food Devotion | by Kit MacLeod

Use this Yummy Devotion from SundaySchoolNetwork.Com during your Fall Festival!

October Object Lesson: During this time of year many children dress up in scary monster costumes for fun. Even though we all know that monsters aren’t real, sometimes our imaginations makes them seem real. There are times when we have to do things that make us nervous or scared, and sometimes we are afraid of the dark or of things we don’t understand. The cure for our fears is to walk closely with God by praying to him and reading his WORD, the Bible. God loves us and has promised to be with us and to protect us, and wants us to trust in him.

The Bible says, "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

Let this silly snack remind you that with God’s help, life doesn’t have to be scary!

What You Need: Apples, Peanut Butter*, Mini Marshmallows, Chocolate Chips. 

* Allergy warning: Some children are allergic to peanuts, if this is the case, substitute strawberry cream cheese in place of the peanut butter.

Directions: Wash, core, and slice the apples into 8 wedges. Spread a wedge of apple with peanut butter. Press 4-5 marshmallows and chocolate chips into the peanut butter. Place another wedge of apple on top. (The red skin of the apple looks like the "monster’s" lips. The marshmallows look like its teeth, and the chocolate chips are its cavities!) 

Copyright 2002 - Kit MacLeod

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