I Exercise My Faith When . . . 

Early Childhood Bible Action Game

"For in him we live and move and have our being" Acts 17:28a (NIV).

Focus: Nearly all of our daily activities in life involve some measure of faith. This game will encourage young children to realize we exercise our faith on a daily basis. This is a great way to improve listening and memory skills too!

Instructions: Teacher and students stand in a circle. Before playing discuss possible "faith-verbs" that could be used, e.g. running, jumping, nodding head, wiggling fingers, raising arms, kicking legs, etc. Tell children to have a few actions in mind so when it is their turn they know what to say.

Teacher begins by saying, "I exercise my faith when I walk." 

(Everyone begins walking in place.)

Player to the right goes next by saying the sentence and then adding a new "faith-verb."

"I exercise my faith when I walk and when I _______." 

(The new faith-verb and action is added to the previous action.)

Next player takes his or her turn and adds another faith-verb to the sentence.

"I exercise my faith when I walk, and when I run, and when I ________." 

(The new faith-verb action is added to the previous two actions.)

Next player takes his or her turn. Play proceeds like this until everyone in the circle has had their turn and all the faith-verbs are put into action.

Bible Games for Children's Ministry

Play a similar game, God Is At Work.

Objective: To help children realize God is always involved in our lives and in creation. 

Instructions: Go around the room and have the children add to this sentence:

Teacher: "God is at work making the sunshine."
Student 1. "God is at work making the sunshine and wind blow."
Student 2. "God is at work making the sunshine and wind blow and rainfall."

Copyright 2014 Demarquis Johnson

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