Children & Youth Ministry 

Ignite a Love for Learning the Bible with Our Teacher-Friendly Lessons!

Are you ready to spark a passion for biblical learning in your students? This is where our expertise comes in. We specialize in creating educational and creative Bible lessons and skits, and Christian crafts and games, which makes Christian education fun and relatable for your students!

Whether you're teaching Sunday school, kids' church, midweek programming, or backyard Bible clubs, our lessons are designed to engage and inspire children and adults! 

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" . . . be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain" 1 CO 15:58. 

Bible Scramble

Memorization Game

Bible memory game

Set Up: Write the Bible verse, which you've been teaching the children, on index cards, either one word at a time or in short phrases, or a combination of the two. For example, the following underlined words and phrases represent a combination of the two:  The Lord is my, Shepherd. I shall, not want. He maketh me, to lie down in, green, etc. Each team will need a set of cards. 

Set up: Establish a playing area for relays. You will need a bucket for each team to hold the cards at the opposite end of the start position, and an empty bucket for each team next to the start line.

How to Play: Divide players into teams. At the go . . . keep reading.




Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Comforting Bible Verses

"Do dogs go to heaven?" I was asked this recently by someone grieving the loss of her beloved pet. The Bible doesn't give us a specific answer, and I wouldn't build doctrine around what I'm about to write, but I think there are some comforting ideas to consider. Keep reading.

Repent, The Kingdom Is Near

Bible Skit: Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah, is the first of the fall feasts. It occurs on the first day of the seventh month, during our September or October months. The month leading up to the Feast of Trumpets is to be a time of repentance. God's people are to consider their sins, turn from them and repent, turn to God. 

Sample our Bible skit.




Prayer Journal
For Christian Women

My Prayer Journal - Each of the 24 prayer sections contain an inspirational Bible verse from Psalm 119 to meditate upon before praying, a "Prayer Priorities" section to record urgent prayers, a larger section to write prayers for family, friends, and leadership, etc., and a "Gratitude & Praise" section to journal prayers of thanksgiving. When prayers are answered, mark through them with a highlighter pen; it's an encouragement to see God's answers and a motivation to keep praying! 

A meaningful gift idea for the important women in your life! Great for Mother's Day, Bible study teachers, wives, daughters, and girlfriends. Conveniently sized at 6" x 9", with a minimalist design interior.
Learn more.


Sermon Notes Journal
Faith Comes By Hearing . . . 
Prayer Journals | Sermon Notes | 52 Week Planner & More

Use our journals and planners to encourage your faith-walk and to plan your day. They're a great idea for Christian gift-giving too! Learn more.

  sermon notes journal

"Sermon Notes - Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." A 25 week guide for taking Sermon Notes. Each week there's a place to record the date, title, and speaker, with three pages for note-taking, and an additional page to record a life application and personalized prayer. Taking Sermon Notes Promotes: active listening, keeps the mind focused on the message, can be used as a home-study reference, and may even promote message retention. This sermon notebook is a great Christian gift for Mother's Day, Student gifts, and for Holidays and Holy Days. Learn more!


Where will you spend eternity? Are you going to heaven?

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