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One Body Many Parts
Icebreaker games are a fun way to help children meet one another and ease them
into their new classrooms. The Body Parts game is not only fun, it is a
great way to begin talking about the importance of each child in the Body of
Christ, young and old, big and small, everyone is valued and has an important
job to do! I'd love to hear from you if you use this icebreaker
Ice Breaker Game
Bible Point
The Body of Christ is many parts. Only when the parts come together do they form one body to accomplish one purpose!
Set Up
Before class time write body part names on stick-on-notes.
You most likely won't know how many kids will show up to class. Therefore, divide the body part names from major to minor, see below, and distribute them accordingly as children arrive to class.
Click to get this F-R-E-E game and lesson.
Sermon on the Mount
What images come to mind when I say the words, king, kingdom, castle, prince and princess? What kind of lives do you imagine they lead? (Receive answers.)
Princes and princesses have many special privileges as children of a king. However, there are also certain rules and expectations of how they are to behave.
Ask, “How many of you have gone to church with your parents and listened to a sermon from the preacher? What is a sermon? (A sermon is a lesson from the Bible.)
Can you guess who taught the greatest sermon ever told? (Yes, Jesus!)
Jesus began this important sermon from the hillside of a mountain, which is why people call it the
Sermon on the
Mount. Jesus began this great
teaching with what are called the
Beatitudes. Beatitudes means, blessed or approved by God; Jesus taught us how to be blessed, that is approved by God by teaching us this sermon!
Read Matthew 4:23-5:3 from a child-friendly Bible.
God’s kingdom is the greatest of all kingdoms. It is better and bigger than we can ever imagine! In this Scripture, we learn the first and most important kingdom rule about how to become a child of the king. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
What do you suppose being poor in spirit means? (Receive answers.)
Jesus wasn’t talking about not having a lot of money. Being poor in spirit is realizing we have nothing without Jesus—our “spiritual piggy banks” are empty. It is understanding that we are completely sinful—we do wrong things. We disobey God’s laws. Nothing in us chooses to follow God’s ways. The Bible says it like this, “There is no one who does right, not even one person,” and “All our ways of doing right are like dirty rags in God’s sight.” Wow, that is an empty bank! (Romans 3:10, Isaiah 64:6)
We really need Jesus to rescue us!
Discuss how Jesus rescues us from our poor situation:
What did Jesus do for us? (Jesus left his kingly throne in heaven, to live a perfect life—he did not sin. He came to earth because he loves us. He knows we cannot live life without sinning. However, our sin can’t be overlooked, which is why Jesus took our punishment.)
What must we do? Repent, that is turn from our sin, and believe that Jesus died and rose again, God then gives us his Holy Spirit and we become his children—Kingdom
Get our FREE Beatitudes-Fill-in-the-Blank sheet.
Don't miss our fun Beatitudes
Memory Matching Game on our Etsy platform!
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brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so
they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
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